مدرسة الشهيد عبد الرءوف علي جبريل ع.م بالولجا
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يمكنك تصفح المنتدى و قراءة جميع المواضيع
كما يمكنك التحميل من الروابط في المنتدى دون الحاجة لتسجيل عضوية بالمنتدى أو حتى تسجيل الدخول .
أما إذا أردت المشاركة و التحاور مع الزملاء و الأصدقاء فقم بالاشتراك أو سجل دخولك للمنتدى .

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة الشهيد عبد الرءوف علي جبريل ع.م بالولجا
أهلاً بك ..
يمكنك تصفح المنتدى و قراءة جميع المواضيع
كما يمكنك التحميل من الروابط في المنتدى دون الحاجة لتسجيل عضوية بالمنتدى أو حتى تسجيل الدخول .
أما إذا أردت المشاركة و التحاور مع الزملاء و الأصدقاء فقم بالاشتراك أو سجل دخولك للمنتدى .
مدرسة الشهيد عبد الرءوف علي جبريل ع.م بالولجا
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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عدد زوار المنتدي


لقد نسيت كلمة السر

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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف naderwatfa الجمعة 01 أبريل 2011, 2:52 pm

) Finish the following dialogue:
Eman is asking Aya about her favourite school subject.
Eman: What’s your favourite school subject, Aya?
Aya: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Eman: ………………………………………………………………………………………...?
Aya: I have been studying it for 5 years now.
Eman: Are you good at speaking it?
Aya: ………………….…… I usually practise it a lot with my family and friends. You know "practice makes perfect."

2) Read and match:

a- one hundred years. ( )
b- "I’m going to be late home". ( )
c- that he had found his lost bag. ( )
d- since she was ten. ( )
e- one thousand years. ( )
f- the place where the boats sank. ( ) 1- Nadia has been sleepwalking
2- Rescue ships hurried to
3- A century means
4- Huda said to me,
5- Hesham told Soha

3) Choose the correct answer:
1- Maha (said – asked – told – spoke) Salwa if she had written the report.
2- That’s the place (when – where – which – what) the police found the hidden treasure.
3- The pilot used a (compass – colour – calculator – camera) to show him directions while flying.
4- Mona always walks to school because her house is (far – close – long – opposite) her school.
5- I think there is something wrong (in – on – with – at) our computer. It doesn’t work at all.
6- Can you tell me about the village (where – which – when – whose) you were born in?
7- My mother was angry when someone (saw – repaired – smashed – cleaned) our window.
8- My big brother always advises me (make – to make – not to make – don’t make) friends with bad people.
9- I (searched of – set off – consisted of – took off) three buildings.
10- If you face any problem, (look after – take down – get in touch with – set off) me at once.
11- He bought a villa (whose – where – which – who) cost him much money.
12- He found the car (that – who – whose – when) he lost last week.
13- This is our neighbour (whose – which – who – where) father is a doctor.

4) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Huda said to me, "I’m going to visit my uncle next week." (that)
2- Sally is very nice. I borrowed Sally’s pen." (whose)
3- Our school is made up of three building. (consists)
4- I bought the car. You had told me about it. (which)
5- We met the man. His car was damaged. (whose)
6- Aya is a pretty girl. She studies maths. (who)
7- Noha is my cousin. She has green eyes. (whose)

5- Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Aya told Ahmed that she has visited her friend the day before.
2- The airport chemist sent a message to flight 30.
3- A driver is someone who swims under water with breathing equipment.
4- That’s the boy who bicycle was lost yesterday
Not everybod) y agre1- I wa Choose the correct answer:s prepared for
the exam, so I wasn’t (cheerful – pleased – happy – upset).
es. Some (accept – allow – disagree – remember) for good reasons.
3- There was traffic (movement – passage – jam – transport), so we were late for work.
4- The opposite of "better" is (less – worse – more – uglier).
5- In my (mind – opinion – sight – thought), more and more desert land should be reclaimed.
6- We’d rather (spent – spending – to spend – spend) the weekend in the zoo than in the park.
7- Sorry, I haven’t got (many – a lot – much – some) information about life in Italy.
8- We can’t accept your invitation. We have got (too much – a lot of – any – too little) free time today.
9- Salaw was (busy – free – late – annoyed) because Mona didn’t attend her wedding party.
10- He felt (cheerful – interested – hungry – disappointed) when he failed the final exams.
11- The opposite of "disappointed" is (hopeless – hopeful – honest – horrible).
12- I’m afraid I didn’t (make – get – do – keep) well in the job interview.
13- There were too (much – few – a lot of – many) people at the meeting and the hall was very crowded.
14- The test was very difficult, so (much – a lot of – a few – a little) students were able to pass.
15- The information you have given to me (are – were – has been – have been) very useful.
16- She was very upset (from – with – in – about) the bad results of her son in the test.
17- We still had too (many – much – few – little) time before we left the station, so we weren’t in a hurry.
18- I can’t buy new shoes because I have got too (little – much – few – many) money.
19- Most books are made of (papers - paper – a paper – the papers).

2) Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your classmate thinks that there is too much pollution in Cairo. You have the same opinion.
2- You can’t answer a friend’s invitation to the theatre.
3- Your big brother says that children should play all the time. You don’t agree.
4- You tell a friend what you think of the English language.
5- You ask your friend about his impression of yesterday’s match.

3) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I don’t think so. (disagree)
2- I wondered about her silence on the subject. (silent)
3- He was annoyed as he lost his new watch. (so)
4- The news I heard was untrue. (true)
5- I think there are too many cars in our town. (opinion).
6- England has a good football team. Hazem has the same opinion. (agrees)
7- I’d prefer to relax now. (rather)

4) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
has always played an important part in our life. It has increased our
knowledge about everything around us. How? Every now and then, there are
new inventions that help us find out secrets we didn’t use to know.
compass helps people who travel by sea, though the desert or by plane
to know directions, north, south, east and west. The telescope has
revealed the wideness and the beauty of the universe. We, now, know
plants and stars that were unknown before. The microscope helps
scientists and doctors see very tiny things such as bacteria. Recently,
Ahmed Zwail has made a great discovery, the femto second, a very small
portion of time. It will help a great deal in achieving advances in all
fields of life.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What’s the use of the compass?
2- How has the telescope revealed the universe?
3- What’s the name of Professor Zwail’s discovery?
B) Choose the correct answer:
1- The underlined word, "it" refers to (the compass – the telescope – science – the microscope).
2- The microscope helps us to see (people – plants – bacteria – planes).
3- The underlined word, "tiny" means (high – very big – very small – wide).

5) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- She didn’t real have a good day.
2- They are poor and have a few furniture.
3- My grandma died in the age of seventy.
4- They come from different country.

) Choose the correct answer:

1- Lots of money (spends – is spending – is spent – are spent) on great projects.
2- You (must – should – needn’t – didn’t have to) borrow money anymore as you’ve got a lot.
3- Crops must be (fed – irrigated – drunk – paid) regularly.
4- Tourism helps Egypt (carelessly – enormously – lately – early).
5- He was seriously injured and we (has to – had to – should – must) take him to hospital.
6- She (must – have got – has got – should) to look after her family.
7- A canal was (built – bought – brought – irrigated) to take water from the river to the farms.
8- (Fertile – Desert – Infertile – Salty) land produces more and better crops.

2) Re-write the following sentences using the words(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I’ll need to iron a shirt. (will be)
2- Reclaiming desert land is expensive. (It is)
3- Perhaps the man was a stranger. (been)
4- Do you have to go now? (Must)

3) Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Water was been pumped to the farms.
2- Crops will be sold inside and out Egypt.
3- Thank you. I don’t want no sweets.
4- He answered all the question correct.
4) Finish the following dialogue:
A nurse is talking to a patient

Nurse: How are you today, Mr Adly?
Adly: I am not feeling well and my head aches.
Nurse: …………………………………………..?
Adly: Yes, I took it all, but …………………….
Nurse: Why …………………………? I told you before that food is as important as medicine, maybe more.
Adly: Ok, I’ll always have my meals on time.

5) Read and match:

a- expensive cloth to make clothes. ( )
b- spend less and save more. ( )
c- help you. ( )
d- something we put on the floor. ( )
e- people with cars or animals travelling together. ( )
f- because he was late. ( ) 1- Ramy had to take a taxi
2- I’m sorry I can’t
3- caravan is
4- Silk is
5- I advise you to

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إدارة الموقع

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 5801
نقاط : 166339
تاريخ الميلاد : 25/02/1962
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/05/2010
العمر : 62

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